Upgrade your seating with our Premium Metal Chairs, crafted for durability and timeless style. These chairs feature elegant designs that enhance any dining room, kitchen, or living space. With a focus on comfort, our durable and sleek metal chairs offer sturdy support and style, making them a perfect addition to your home decor. Available in various finishes to match your style.

{{#each data.productvariants as |product| }} {{#with (lookup ../data.pictures product.UUID) as |picture|}} {{#if picture.medium.url}}
{{#with (lookup ../../data.ecoscores product.UUID) as |ecoscore|}}
{{#with (loadObject "ProductVariantEcoscore" ecoscore) as |productEcoObj|}} {{productEcoObj.ecoscore}} {{/with}}
{{/with}} {{#with (lookup ../../data.productvariants_categories product.UUID) as |cat|}}
{{#each cat}} {{#with (lookup ../../../../data.categories this.category_uuid) as |category|}}
{{/with}} {{/each}}
{{/with}} prix sur demande
{{#with (loadObject "ProductVariantTranslation" product (lookup ../../data.productvarianti18ns product.UUID)) as |translation|}}
{{stripTags translation.title}} {{#with (lookup ../../../../data.providers product_provider.provider_uuid) as |provider|}}, vendu par {{provider.name}}{{/with}}
{{/if}}{{/with}} {{/each}}