Our Pricings


Free for life
  • 1 Client (You)
  • 1 Customer
  • 1 Project
  • Unlimited product listings
  • Unlimited 3D database listings


4.99 EUR per month / 54.99 EUR per year
  • 1 client (You)
  • Unlimited customers
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited searches of products
  • Unlimited searches in our 3D database
  • Automatic moodboards
  • Export your client projects in Excel
  • Export your moodboards in Canva


Contact us
  • Greylabel version
  • Custom suppliers (display only suppliers you work with / have commissions with)
  • Customer support for end-users (share your site with others, we provide the customer service)
  • Integration with your social media platforms of choice

For a custom quote, contact us